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⏱️ 2 Minute Read | PDF Download this Article | Also see Ascension 101 | Ascension Symptoms | Quantum Consciousness | Balancing the Hemispheres | Physical Proof of Ascension | DID YOU KNOW? Over 15 TGI Exercises are found in Deidre's book, Happily Inner After (buy on Amazon)
Transformational Guided Imagery, TGI, is an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual transformational holistic healing modality.
TGI is a combination of lucid daytime dreaming imagery, accessing your inner vision and right brain archetypes through the subtle bodies making this a long-lasting in-depth head-to-heart whole-minded harmonized treatment.
TGI is similar to a combination of Mindfulness training, sports medicine techniques and Taoist Neiguan inner observer.
HOLOGRAPHIC OVERLAYS: By elevating your emotional state to a sustained level, your mind/body is so objective that it is unable to know the difference between its experience in real life versus the experience it is currently having in the reality of the elevated emotional state via thought alone. Your body/mind actually believes it is living in that thought created new reality environment.
Read the Commonly Asked Questions
Are you familiar with Theory of Mind or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? Several of the more popular healing therapies are listed below and include descriptions and their comparison to TGI. More importantly, how TGI is similar in its approach, technique and outcome.
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DID YOU KNOW? Over 15 TGI Exercises are found in Deidre's book, Happily Inner After (buy on Amazon)
CANCELLATIONS: Deidre Madsen and Shangri-La Sedona LLC have a 24-hour cancellation/rescheduling policy. If an appointment is missed, cancelled, or changed with less than 24 hours’ notice, there will be a $75 charge.
DISCLAIMER: While all Goods or Services of our treatments have been found to aid the healing process, none of the complimentary and alternative modalities in Goods or Services offered are meant to replace the diagnosis and/or treatment by a traditional, western medicine, conventional or naturopath doctor. For entertainment purposes only. Must be 18 years or older.
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Getting the love you want, and keeping the love you have, are two entirely different things. For many of us, being able to first and foremost attract Mr. Right into our lives can be insurmountable. Once attracted, often the next daunting hurdle is keeping love alive and well, without sabotaging our happiness.
Author Deidre Madsen's holistic wellness and healing Happily Inner After Signature Retreat, based in Los Angeles, is a complete system of easy-to-do exploratory exercises using lucid imagination and internal archetypes surrounded by plenty of customizable pampering and nurturing spa sessions. Your wildest dreams of having a fulfilling love life can now come true. If you're ready to take the next significant step with your loved one to heal the deepest parts of your relationship, take control together … and watch miracles happen in your life! A golden crown of bliss is found in the secret chambers of the high heart ♛❤
Level 1 Beginnners
Level 2 AdvancedDay One Welcome and Orientation - from start to finish your Personal Retreat Guide (like a personal trainer) becomes your valued contact person, counsel, guide, friend and ally through every aspect of your retreat experience. Day Two Camelot's Castle and The Medicine Wheel - Who is sitting on your throne? Deep teachings of the key players in your inner kingdom, their jobs, musts and must-NOTs. Day Three The Crowning Ceremony. Quantum Expansion - how it all comes together seamlessly; and, what to do after the honeymoon is over. 8 Hours Total |
It is time for you to feel cherished and supported in life with a personalized Life Coaching Session. Deidre assists you through interactive and compassionate sessions for restorative emotional healing.
"Show me the way ... take me to LOVE!"
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It's time for you to feel cherished and supported in life with a personalized Intuitive Life Coaching and Spiritual Healing Session. Deidre assists you through accurate wisdom and compassionate session for restorative heart-healing. She is a Certified Parapsychological Specialist (4th Generation), and Ordained Interfaith Minister. Love & Romance; Career, Finance & Life Path; Health & Medical; and Lineage Healing.
Personalized Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI) Assessment PLUS Life Coaching. This is a time-honored, proven technique of in-depth treatments utilizing lucid imagery plus intuitive guidance and succor for subtle body support to maximize your functionality in life and love.
Reverse Limiting Behaviors and Addictions
Emotional Release, Lineage Clearing
Heal Repeating Patterns